Monday, March 30, 2020

Word Flip

     Hello fellow scientists! Its been a while, but I've found another experiment for you. Today we're going to be playing around with light and water. This experiment will cause light to refract or bend. Making light bend can make things look backwards or upside down. So lets get started!

     You will need a few simple household items for this experiment:

  • A water bottle or glass bowl, (Prefferably a non-disposable or smooth one)
  • A Post-It Note, (The number varys depending on how many you want to do)
  • A writing uttesial, (You can use any color you want, but I think Sharpie would be the besty for this activity.)

  1. Ok, lets begin. The first thing you'll need to do is think of something to write. Step 1: Practice writing backwards (To make the experiment sucessful you'll need to make the letters backwards, so a p would be q)
  2. Now, once your done practicing write down something backwards on the post it note. Step 2: Write down your word.
  3. Then put your Post-It Note on the wall.
  4. When you've done that you fill up your clear container and look at your word thourgh the bowl or cup. Step 4: Look at the word through a clear with water container.
The science behind this is acctually quite simple. When the light that lets us see passes through the water, it is refracted or bent. This bent so much to the point where everything that you see inside of the bowl or cup will appear upside down. Thank you so much for joining me today. Feel free to check out my other experiment. See you on the next one!

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