Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Zionce Expirement

Hi I am Zion and this is a video about how energy can move freely or stop immediately. Basically what I will be doing in this video is I will be showing you how energy works with some help from my brother and sister and the energy stick. The sound quality isn't great in the lab especially with the background noise, but all of the words are typed out for you to read what I was saying. So enjoy this video. I'll see you on the next experiment.

This is a video about how energy moves through something called a current. A current is something that makes energy move. A conductor is something that lets it move freely and insulator is something that stops the current immediately. For example glass, plastic, and paper are insulators. I am now going to demonstrate how this works. Your body is made of mostly water.

Part two of the energy demonstration. First your body is made of mostly water.
Didn't I just now talk about how water? Your body is made out of mostly water. This silver ring thing right here conduct the circuit. So if my hands are connected in a circle around the energy stick then it makes energy! Ow.  

And also it can work on different peoples bodies. Assistants!

These are my two assistants she's four and he is two. (Sedona's five)
And now I am going to demonstrate how it can work on other people's bodies.
If he holds it like that then it doesn't work. But if we hold onto it together it makes energy!

This is part three of the energy stick demonstration. Even if there are three people it can work with any number of people as long as you're all connected. Ta-Da.

Part four is an example of a conductor. Even though it looks like metal it might surprise you. Ta-Da.
This is an example of something that won't work and it is called an insulator.
Now I shall do this with water. See you in part five.

Thanks for joining me on this latest experiment. See you in the next experiment.

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